
Evaluations 2024

July 20

VGVA is providing this information for the purpose of helping members better understand the evaluation process for 2024/2025 season.

Evaluations will largely keep the same format as the previous year, with only minor changes to make the process easier for members to understand and for evaluators to make effective judgments.

The evaluation process will consist of two components

  1. Drill component that tests hard skills
  2. Gameplay component in which players put all the skills together in a in game situation

The evaluators have designed drills that will focus on a specific skill or set of skills, and they will explain each drill during the evaluation. Examples include serving or butterfly drills.

Hard skills that will be evaluated

  • Serve receive
  • Setting
  • Serving
  • Attacking
  • Defending
  • Blocking

During the gameplay component, players will illustrate how they use their hard skills in gameplay scenarios. In consultation with the evaluators, VGVA has edited the evaluation rubric to encompass more than a theoretical approach, which enables evaluators to make better scoring decisions based on performance. VGVA has also increased the number of evaluators hired from 4 to 6 to reduce the workload for each evaluator. There will be one evaluator assigned to each of the four courts and two evaluators will float between courts to observe drills and gameplay.

VGVA recognizes that players are evaluated on skills that they may not ordinarily demonstrate on the court. For example, a middle setting the ball to a hitter, a setter receiving serves, or a player other than middle blocking from the middle position. New this year, VGVA will drop the lowest evaluated score from the player’s evaluation upon calculating one’s overall evaluation.


At VGVA, we hold annual evaluations for all of our members who want to play in the Intermediate, Competitive 1, Competitive 2, Competitive 3, and Competitive 4 divisions of our indoor volleyball league. We use evaluation results to place players in the corresponding division for their skill level, which results in the best possible experience for players that balances competitiveness, skill development, and camaraderie. Those who want to play at the Recreational level or Beginner division do not require an evaluation.

Evaluations are typically held in June or July for the next season which begins in September. Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media for more information and announcements of evaluation dates.

Evaluations for New Members

Please visit our website to determine the best level for your skill set. If you have never played with 6-2 or 5-1 rotations or consider yourself new to volleyball, we recommend joining our Beginner division. Here you will be assigned to a team and mentor, and each week you will receive skills training along with gameplay. If you have attended skills clinics and have a basic understanding of 6-2 or 5-1 rotations, you may be more interested in the Intermediate division. Otherwise, we suggest visiting our website for more information on qualifications and guidelines for our Competitive 1–Competitive 4 divisions, 4 being the highest skill level.

If you are interested in playing volleyball recreationally, you do not need to attend an evaluation session. Please feel free to join us during Recreational play (link to Recreational section with dates and times).

Evaluations for Returning Members

We will invite returning members via email to their evaluation dates and designated times, which will be held on two consecutive weekends at the end of June or early July. Returning members will be evaluated within the division they last registered. Once evaluations are completed, the VGVA Executive Board reviews the results, assigns players to their appropriate division, and invites all evaluated players via email to their division within three weeks of the final evaluation date.


What if I want to play recreationally?

If you are interested in playing volleyball recreationally, you do not need to attend an evaluation session. Please feel free to join us during Recreational play (link to Recreational section with dates and times).

What can I expect at Evaluations? 

Upon arrival, please proceed to your designated court by division and begin warming up. An evaluator will ask you for your preferred position (Middle Blocker, Opposite/Right-Side Hitter, Outside/Power Hitter, Setter), provide you with an evaluation number, and organize you into teams.

The first half of the evaluation will be drills, for example, serve-receive. The evaluator will explain the mechanics of the drill, demonstrate the drill, and explain the skill being assessed before you execute it. The second half of the evaluation is the gameplay, usually 6 vs 6, to evaluate players in game-like situations. The drills combined with gameplay provide a more comprehensive evaluation of a player’s ability.

What if I want to change divisions? 

Returning players must be evaluated with the division in which they were last registered and all players will be considered for advancement. You do not need to indicate to the evaluator that you are trying to move up a division. Your demonstration of skills and gameplay at a higher level than your current division is the basis for determining your division.

Returning players from the Beginner division: Beginner members looking to be evaluated into Intermediate must register in Beginner and may attend the Intermediate division time slot. The beginner division is the only division that may evaluate outside its own division as it does not have an evaluation requirement.

What’s the difference between the two dates for Evaluations?

The two Evaluation dates are largely the same. The skills being assessed and the performance criteria remain the same. We offer two dates to allow more options for those who may have scheduling conflicts.

What if I’m not happy with my performance at the Evaluation?

We all have off days or jitters, so new and returning members are invited to attend both Evaluation dates if they wish. The better performance between the two sessions will be used to determine your division for the next season.

What if I am unable to attend any Evaluation dates? 

Members are required to have completed an evaluation and paid their full season membership fees in order to participate. A returning member that is unable to attend any evaluations and has paid for their full-season membership will be added to the waitlist for their previously registered division. Once the evaluation and placement of new and returning members have been assigned to divisions, we then turn to the waitlist. When a spot becomes available, we will email an offer to a division. If no spot becomes available, a refund will be provided before the first day of play.

On the first day of play, three current Executive Board members will serve as internal evaluators to verify that these players are in the appropriate division.

Who performs the evaluations?

VGVA has a proud tradition of enlisting trusted, third-party partners in the volleyball community to serve as evaluators. Often these partners come with experience playing and coaching at the collegiate varsity or national team levels, and we are honoured to have them support our community. Their familiarity with our values coupled with their objectivity helps us maintain a healthy, supportive experience at VGVA.

We look forward to seeing you all on the court.